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This is me....If you can relate or have any comment at all please feel free to send me and email. If not, that's okay too. I'm not looking for a ltr right away. I must get to know you and actually like you. So please don't respond hey are you single OR wanna be my girl? Nor am I looking for a quick fling. Thought those can be fun. Who I am can not be summed up in a few short words and a photo of my body. Who I am is nothing you will find out in short of a year. But these words I speak are just a glimpse into my thoughts and life. I am a woman who is going to school. For what I have yet to decide. I have theories, thoughts, and memories i tend to share. Not just to hear myself speak but rather to see if anyone else out there understands where I'm coming from. I can't say I'm not judgmental but I do try not to be. I believe a person needs a job and should work. I would die for my family, God, and country...no questions asked. I would rather work a 16 hour day than go and party all night and get drunk. I believe in going green but don't always practice it. I do play an instrument but do not expect to get paid for doing it. I don't always understand the art world but I can appreciate the people who make it. I am not liberal but nor am i conservative. I am a dog person and though cats are cute I would never care to have one. I think the Midwest is the best place in the world other than Texas. I prefer snow over sun and early mornings over nights. I enjoy a good cup of coffee while talking about philosophies and politics but in the end I will normally stick to where I started in the first place. I'm stubborn and hard headed. I have the temper of my father and the coordination of my mother. It truly makes for an entertaining dinner nights. If I am interested in you the best thing for you to do is not be clingy. Give me a chance to miss you. I wont have sex on the first date and if I do it wont be going any further than that. I wont say I love you any time soon and I won
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