Tampin Cucco: I was right where I've always been.

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Hey guys! The title says it all...I recently got out of a relationship and am looking for someone I can have some fun with. I'm 25, hispanic, 5'4, and I do have two kids. I'm not looking for someone to play daddy AT ALL. I just need a friend for myself. I handle business and am very independent. I like to dance, drink, I'm just a lot of fun. I like to go dtown every now and again. So get at me if you would like to no more about me.

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CaledoniaChateauneuf-de-GadagneAr RabiyahMykolayivkaKloten / BalsbergPiskorevciGuyeJayancaLorettoHundeshagenBlumbergLamezia TermeBevilardBarxetaStockportMexicaltzingoBilog-BilogAmposta
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