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So, I'll try this again sans delinquent imagery. I thought there might be some sort of puritan vigilante monitoring these boards who disapproves of what is essentially a large part of my character. But then I remembered that this is Chirrup and more than likely I'm being stalked and flagged by some jerkoff who doesn't grasp the concept of a metaphor. Seriously, if you're going to flag me, at least send me a goddamn note as to why. That said, I would find it so nice, so convenient to have a particularly intimate relationship with someone who regularly entertains relatively peculiar, moderately delinquent whims. Who, by nature, sees what he wants and contrives limitless by social, psychological and moral designation methods of how to achieve them. Regardless of whether or not he actually does. Kind of like Batman without the pesky obligation of being a superhero. In a practical sense, I'm not interested in some dark warrior nerd who with a necrofetish. I'm not looking for a bro who gets hammered and let's his girlfriend paint his nails black. Nor a man who would find my collection of black and purple corsets enticing. I do not own a corset. In my mind I'm looking for a regular Joe, a niceenough guy with his head on his shoulders who is considered an asset by his supervisors and a joy to be around by friends and distant relatives. This man simply has, with regularity, flashes of thought and ideas that would likely earn him an awkward glance or an overdone exclamation were he to voice it. Keep in mind, I am very much aware that the type of man I'm looking for may entertain these ideas while happily married and think that an extracurricular relationship would simply be an extension of this and I'd be fine with it. For the purposes of what I'm currently looking for, I'm not fine with it. Thank you very much.
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