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I partied too much in my 20's, in my 30's I spent too much time loving the wrong men while not paying attention to the right men who may have been interested. In my 40's concentrated on parenting. And now instead of going out and meeting peope the conventional I post ads on CL and the same men respond over and over. Why is that? I figure if they have been responding over and over they must get rejected alot or figure if they respond to as many ads as possible it would increase their chances. oh well. who knows. I'm 51 attractive, like to travel, museums have a good margarita SOMETIMES. DDF. 5 foot 5 HWP and find intelligent men very sexy. degreed, professional preferred. NonSmoker. looking for men about 5156. SINGLE MEN PLEASE, SICK OF THE RESPONSES FROM MARRIED MEN TOO CHEAP TO JUST HIRE A HOOKER. your pic gets mine. start the insanity.
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