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Please don't delete this. I am looking for a long term relationship, I just have a bit of a rant in with my ad. I am real, Pecan Street Festival is this weekend.It is hard to find a good, single guy...especially on here. When I do find one, most disappear when it is time for the picture trading. Yes, I am overweight. But, I am not grossly overweight or ugly so I have been told. I realize chemistry/looks are a part of being interested in someone, but I don't think men realize that looks fade over time...even theirs. Do you guys really think you are going to have your quotperfectquot bodies in 20 years? I'm betting most of you won't. Not all overweight women are lazy and don't care how they look. Some of us have been through situations beyond our control that caused the weight gain and are working hard to take off the weight. That doesn't seem to matter to most guys, even the ones who are overweight themselves. They want the skinny women too. I prefer men with meat on their bones and not the thin/athletic type, always have...even when I was skinny. Does that mean I won't date a guy who is thin? No. I have. Anyway, sorry for the rant. I just wanted to know if there are any guys out there who aren't shallow. I'm sure most of the responses will not be men interested in a relationship, but men bashing me and what I said. That is fine. If you respond, please put quotFrustrated BBWquot as the subject line of your email so I know you are real. If you are interested in getting to know more about me, please tell me about yourself when you write.
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